Government Swine Flu Drug Dealers Forgot To Insert Cancel Clause In
£200m Contract
Drug Dealers Flying Pigs Club, from left:
Burnham MP - Health Secretary of State
Fear Marketeer Sir Liam
Donaldson - Chief Medical Officer (soon to be ex)
Basil'', Professor David Salisbury - UK Government Vaccines
Gillian Merron MP - Parliamentary vaccines
& Pic Courtesy Of One Click)
Blundering bureaucrats have spent £200million earmarked for hospital buildings on doses of the swine flu jab that will never be used. Up to 132 million doses of the vaccine were ordered at the height of the panic over the H1N1 virus in 2009, but only 3% of the total has been used. Millions of doses still on order cannot be stopped because officials forgot to add a cancel clause to the contract. Yesterday the Department of Health admitted it had raided the coffers for hospital buildings and equipment to pay for the Pharma Swine Flu Hoax. Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said “Because there was no break clause in the GlaxoSmithKline contract, hundreds of millions will be spent on a vaccine for which the government has no use.”
Victoria Fletcher, Daily Express / The One Click Group
Related Links:
British Government U Turn - Child Swine Flu Vaccines Campaign
Ian Quinn, PULSE
* Dutch
Demand Independent Inquiry Into Swine Flu Vaccination Hoax
Netherlands Worldwide
* The
H1N1-Swine Flu Hoax Fiasco Post Mortem
Michael Werbowski,
Author, Global Research
* The
men who made a killing out of swine flu while we wasted £1bn
and were exposed to harmful drugs
Rawstorne, Daily Mail