Preparing To Handle Swine Flu Vaccine Claims
WASHINGTON — While the pandemic H1N1 influenza vaccine seems to be just as safe as seasonal flu vaccines, the federal government has been getting some letters from people saying they plan to seek compensation for injuries caused by the injection, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. As of March 11, HHS had received letters from 106 people saying they plan to submit claims for compensation benefits because of problems related to the vaccine. The CICP was established under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act, passed in 2005, which shields pharmaceutical companies and medical providers from most lawsuits claiming harm from medical countermeasures for pandemic flu. One Click Note: This is the pharmaceutical industry's get-out clause. Not only did it hoax billions of dollars out of respective taxpayers' for the damaging and unnecessary Swine Flu vaccines, but it also got most governments around the world to agree to g rant its products legal immunity. This has been one of the greatest government orchestrated taxpayer swindles of all time.
Rita Uplend, Vaccine News Daily
Related Links:
Flu Pandemic Hysteria Hoax Heads For Court
R. C. Camphausen,
Digital Journal
* The
men who made a killing out of swine flu while we wasted £1bn
and were exposed to harmful drugs
Rawstorne, Daily Mail
* UK
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