Published on Nov 1, 2017

Way too many people do not understand that this will be what everyone is prepping for, getting armed for. It will be invisible and carried out by paid "contractors" this is where the full armour of God is the only hope. JMO

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Trick or Treat? The Frightening Threats to Bats

These night-flyers are valuable—and in grave danger.

Iconic symbols of Halloween, bats have long suffered a spooky reputation. They’ve been accused of harboring vampiric spirits, entangling themselves in human hair and are often associated with witches and warlocks. Few other mammals seem to frighten us with so many misunderstandings. But bats, because of their incredible echolocation abilities, rarely fly into or touch people, and provide valuable and essential ecological roles in our country and across the world.

Unfortunately, white-nose syndrome (WNS), a fatal fungal disease of hibernating bats, has killed over six million bats since 2006, and may well lead to the extinction of certain bat species. Bats are also susceptible to being killed or injured by wind turbines.


Texas National Guard using cellphone spy tech on surveillance planes

‘Dirt boxes’ capable of locating 10,000 targets & capturing phone call audio in real-time

The Texas National Guard has added cellphone spying technology to its surveillance aircraft to assist the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in counternarcotics operations.

According to contract documents obtained by the Texas Observer’s Melissa del Bosque, the Texas National Guard spent over $373,000 last year on the controversial cell-site simulators.

The devices, purchased with drug-asset forfeiture money from Maryland-based Digital Receiver Technology Inc. (DRT), are designed to locate cellphones within a certain range by emulating a cell tower.

Baby Ava’s mother seriously ill with cancer